89 research outputs found

    ERAWATCH Country Report 2008 - An Assessment of Research System and Policies: United Kingdom

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    The main objective of ERAWATCH country reports 2008 is to characterise and assess the performance of national research systems and related policies in a structured manner that is comparable across countries. The reports are produced for each EU Member State to support the mutual learning process and the monitoring of Member States' efforts by DG Research in the context of the Lisbon Strategy and the European Research Area. In order to do so, the system analysis focuses on key processes relevant for system performance. Four policy-relevant domains of the research system are distinguished, namely resource mobilisation, knowledge demand, knowledge production and knowledge circulation. The reports are based on a synthesis of information from the ERAWATCH Research Inventory and other important available information sources.JRC.J.3-Knowledge for Growt

    Challenges in transnational research programming: the role of NETWATCH

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    For Europe to meet the dual objectives of increased competitiveness and addressing societal challenges, joining efforts at all levels in Research and Innovation is high on the policy agenda. The EU can play a role in fostering and facilitating increased collaboration. The NETWATCH information platform on transnational collaboration is among the tools available to support this role. This brief explores the current use and future potential of NETWATCH and other related platforms in guiding and monitoring transnational R&I programming towards increased societal impact and competitiveness. It proposes ways to make better use of existing data, as well as avenues for future development.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    Measuring progress in transnational coordination of research programming in Europe

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    Cooperation in the EU between Member States and with Associated Countries on national public research programming has received a lot of attention in recent years, and will continue to do so under Europe 2020. This NETWATCH Policy Brief looks at the current policy context and rationales for transnational coordination of research programming, and aims to measure progress made so far in doing so. It looks both at coordination of public national research budgets and at cooperation between nations under the framework programmes, Horizon 2020 and Cohesion policy.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    ERAWATCH Analytical Country Report 2007: UNITED KINGDOM

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    The main objective of ERAWATCH analytical country reports is to characterise and assess the performance of national research systems and related policies in a structured manner that is comparable across countries. The reports support the mutual learning process and the monitoring of Member States efforts by DG Research in the context of the Lisbon Strategy. In order to do so, the system analysis focuses on key processes relevant for system performance. Four policy-relevant domains of the research system are distinguished, namely resource mobilisation, knowledge demand, knowledge production and knowledge circulation. This analytical approach has been tested in 2007 by applying it to six countries, one of which is the UK The report is based on a synthesis of information from the ERAWATCH Research Inventory and other important available information sources.JRC.J.3-Knowledge for Growt

    NETWATCH Mapping and Monitoring: Second and Third Exercises

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    The work presented in this report is based on mapping exercises providing a descriptive analysis of the networks included in the NETWATCH database (i.e. active ERA-NETs, ERA-NET Plus, Article 169/185s and self-sustaining networks). Building on previous reports, with the addition of a time dimension, through periodic collection and analysis of network data, the report monitors the landscape of schemes and provides an analysis of key aspects of the evolution of research programme cooperation within Europe. These findings aim to support policy makers to make informed decisions on the future design and implementation of related initiatives.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    El desarrollo econĂłmico en la sociedad del conocimiento: El futuro europeo

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    En los últimos años han ocurrido muchos cambios, en España, Europa y el mundo. La crisis financiera es sólo uno de los eventos que han cambiado fundamentalmente el entorno económico, social y ecológico. Este artículo describe estos cambios, sus impactos y las tendencias principales en Europa y el mundo, así como la respuesta de la política Europea con el lanzamiento reciente de las iniciativas ´Europa 2020` y ´Horizonte 2020`. También se identifican oportunidades y riesgos para España dentro del contexto Europeo.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    ERA-NETs and the realisation of ERA: increasing coordination and reducing fragmentation

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    The primary objective of the ERA-NET scheme was to support the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA). With the new impetus recently given to the ERA concept by Europe 2020, Innovation Union, the development of Horizon 2020 and the consultation on the ERA Framework it is an appropriate time to consider whether this objective is being met. This brief draws on the European Commission's information platform on transnational research collaboration, NETWATCH. Through analysis of its comprehensive database on the nature and operation of ERA-NETs and other collaborative networks, it develops an overview of the scheme's success. There is clear evidence that cooperation has taken place between research programme actors, leading to benefits in terms of mutual learning and joint activities, most notably the number of joint calls launched. The extent to which this represents genuine coordination of European research programmes and has led to a reduction in duplication and fragmentation of activities and the achievement of critical mass emerge as key questions for the ongoing assessment activities of NETWATCH.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    NETWATCH Policy Brief Series – Brief Nº3 - Added value of transnational research programming: lessons from longstanding programme collaborations in Europe

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    This brief explores the wide variety of objectives, activities and outcomes of transnational research programming in Europe. Going beyond the goal of mobilising shared research funds, it examines how collaborative networks can contribute to the achievement of a broad range of objectives related to research and innovation. It centres on the development of an analytical framework, focusing on the key motivations for establishing and participating in collaborative networks and the subsequent outcomes.Case studies are used to explore how collaborative research programming networks can contribute to a broad set of objectives related to research and innovation, ranging from the primary aims that are at the core of the programme collaboration to secondary aims with regard to research and even tertiary network aims going beyond research policies.The results have relevance for the way progress to the ERA is measured, for developing indicators for measuring impact of programme collaboration networks, for reviewing the research and innovation partnering instruments at European level, for seeing research programming networks as catalysts for collaboration in related areas, and for making barriers to programme collaboration more explicit and thus easier to address.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    An assessment of the impact of the FP7 ERA-NET scheme on organisations and research systems

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    The NETWATCH online platform collects and presents information to support the analysis of transnational research programme cooperation. Its content centres on the participants and activities of ERA-NETs and ERA-NET Plus. Building on these data, this report sets out an assessment of the impact of the FP7 ERA-NET scheme on stakeholder organisations and on the research systems in which they operate. In July 2012, the European Commission's ERA Communication gave renewed impetus to the realisation of ERA, targeting its completion in 2014. Transnational coordination of research at the programming level was identified as playing a prominent role in this, with ERA-NETs being a key instrument. These developments highlight the need to understand better the impact of the ERA-NET scheme. NETWATCH has accumulated substantial information on transnational research programme collaboration, which provides a solid basis for this impact assessment, together with complementary data from various secondary sources and additional data collection by JRC-IPTS. The issues addressed by the current report are threefold: -The direct impact of the ERA-NET scheme on the collaborative dimensions of national research programming practices, reflecting the extent to which the scheme is meeting its core objectives ; -The impact of the scheme on the behaviour of participating organisations and; -The overall impact on the national and European research landscape, particularly the nature and level of transnational collaborative behaviour.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt

    ERA Communication Synthesis Report

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    This report is a synthesis of progress towards achievement of the ERA, based on an analysis of country data on the five ERA priorities (as defined in the 2012 EC Communication) collected with the support of independent country experts in the first semester 2013, complemented by other relevant indicators and study results (taking into account in some cases limitations regarding data availability and quality). It offers a synthetic and cross-country analytical overview by ERA priority of relevant policies and related policy support measures adopted and implemented (including necessary legal changes enacted) in EU Member States. It covers the 28 EU Member States and 13 Associated Countries. This report aims to identify behavioural patterns across countries, take into account progress in relation to the ERA baseline indicators, and contribute to the ERA Monitoring Mechanism.JRC.J.2-Knowledge for Growt
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